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Barbara Lukossek Consulting GmbH

Barbara Lukossek Consulting GmbH

Are you familiar with these situations?

Staff cutbacks, belt-tightening measures and concern about losing one's job, a scarcity of the right people to talk to in critical situations, monologues instead of dialogues, a lack of a connective thread running through life in the daily jungle, unutilized potentials, working without any real feelings of achievement.

These are situations that almost every employee nowadays is familiar with and could expand upon with any number of examples. Situations that make us think about new goals and possible changes. Due to our own, often limited perspective, it is seldom possible to really think laterally and consider other alternatives. Yet we can only be on the winning side of life and move on to new horizons if we are able to give up old, familiar behavioral patterns, to experiment and be receptive to new things.

We humans want to make a contribution, achieve something and have our individuality accepted and respected. Only then can we achieve our very best, and that in turn is the basic prerequisite for personal and professional success. The major goals of our coaching sessions are to recognize and encourage potentials, convey new insights, bring about changes in behavior and offer a new approach toward work. The client is in regular phone or letter contact with us during this period and can also maintain this contact once the coaching has been concluded. In this way, we wish to ensure that full advantage is taken of new knowledge and opportunities and old mistakes are not repeated.

People who are ruled by their heads, however, quickly reach their limits with many topics. They attempt to deal with these topics in a purely intellectual manner, and the emotional and unconscious aspects are left unconsidered. These people are often under the illusion that reason rules our life, and they fail to recognize that they are influenced by emotional factors that should not only be dealt with in a rational and intellectual fashion.

Use this form of consulting to firm up your visions and get closer to your ideals. Make an appointment with us today and discover what we can offer you!